• Living Free Logo
    Equipping Christians to help people prevent and overcome life-controlling problems.

    Living Free was designed to benefit those who want to become facilitators of a Living Free small groups and those who simply want to better understand life-controlling problems and how they affect one's walk with God.

Site announcements


de Greg Keylon -

Welcome to the Living Free Academy. We are so glad you are joining us for the Living Free Facilitator's training. This course will encourage, empower, and equip you to lead Living Free support groups in your church/community.
Please select the desired course date and create an account. (An email will be sent to you to confirm your account) You may then log into the site and register for your desired course date. The course is a 4-week independent study with reading, videos, forum interaction, quizzes and a one-hour weekly Zoom video conference meetings to discuss the material from the previous week's material.
The usual time slots for the weekly Zoom gatherings are Tuesdays at either 12-1 PM Eastern or 7-8 PM Eastern. Once registered, log into your course and start the Introduction section of the course at the "Read this First" item and work your way down the list. You will receive an introductory email with more details a few days prior to the official start of the course with a question of your desired time each week to meet via Zoom with a Living Free instructor.

Cursos disponibles


Certificación de Facilitador 

30 de Octubre al 18 de Diciembre  

Este curso de ocho semanas brinda información sobre cómo prevenir y superar problemas que controlan la vida y capacitación para facilitar grupos de Vida Libre.

Haga clic en el título del curso de arriba - "Academia Vida Libre 5" -  para crear su cuenta y luego inscribirse.

($12) Open Enrollment


1-week Course providing information on life-controlling problems and tools to help the loved-ones of those struggling.

Living Free Awareness Workshop ($30)
($20+shipping optional Book - Living Free Training Participants Guide)

This course provides training on how to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues.

Click the course title on the far left of this section to create your account and then enroll.

January 7th - February 4th, 2025 (Registration ends January 14th)

Facilitator Certification ($40 + $20 Book)

This 4-week course provides training on how to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues along with instruction on leading a Living Free support group.

Click the course title on the far left of this section to create your account and then enroll.

February 18th - March 18th, 2025 (Registration ends February 25th)

Facilitator Certification ($40 + $20 Book)

This 4-week course provides training on how to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues along with instruction on leading a Living Free support group.

Click the course title on the far left of this section to create your account and then enroll.

April 1st - April 29th, 2025 (Registration ends April 8th)

Facilitator Certification ($40 + $20 Book)

This 4-week course provides training on how to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues along with instruction on leading a Living Free support group.

Click the course title on the far left of this section to create your account and then enroll.

May 13- June 10, 2025 (Registration ends May 20th)

Facilitator Certification ($40 + $20 Book)

This 4-week course provides training on how to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues along with instruction on leading a Living Free support group.

Click the course title on the far left of this section to create your account and then enroll.

June 24th- July 22nd, 2025 (Registration ends July 1st)

Facilitator Certification ($40 + $20 Book)

This 4-week course provides training on how to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues along with instruction on leading a Living Free support group.

Click the course title on the far left of this section to create your account and then enroll.

August 12th- September 9th, 2025 (Registration ends August 19th)

Facilitator Certification ($40 + $20 Book)

This 4-week course provides training on how to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues along with instruction on leading a Living Free support group.

Click the course title on the far left of this section to create your account and then enroll.

September 23rd- October 21st, 2025 (Registration ends September 30th)

Facilitator Certification ($40 + $20 Book)

This 4-week course provides training on how to prevent and overcome life-controlling issues along with instruction on leading a Living Free support group.

Click the course title on the far left of this section to create your account and then enroll.